Class 8 NCERT Solutions app contains answers for almost all the subjects provided by CBSE. All these solutions are prepared as per the latest CBSE syllabus and latest NCERT book for Class 8. All our NCERT class 8 solutions are error-free and highly recommended to get excellent marks in the exam.
This App Contains the solutions of the following subjects-
*NCERT Solutions Class 8 Maths.
*NCERT Class 8 Solutions Science.
*NCERT Solutions for class 8 English.
*Hindi NCERT Solutions for Class 8.
Books covered in NCERT Solutions of Class 8 are -
Mathematics -
1. Mathematics NCERT
Science -
1. Science NCERT
1. Honeydew
2. It So Happened
Social Studies -
1. Resource and Development (Geography)
2. Social and Political Life
3. Our-Pasts-III (Part-I)
4. Our-Pasts-III (Part-II)
Hindi -
1. दूर्वा
2. रुचिरा
3. वसंत
4. भारत की खोज
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* Very Easy to use Interface and with subject wise solutions.
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